We are QED Force

Our Team

We combine wide HR knowlegde with AI and Data Science skills. We are here to solve your problems with Data Science specialists skills assessment.

Typical recruitment process is time consuming and expensive. It also requires involvement in many fields: HR department, experts that have to verify skills and hiring managers.

Why it is so worth to use QED Force platform?

Anna Kostrzewa

Anna Kostrzewa

She has almost two decades of professional experience in the field of learning, development, consulting and management. She worked with financial companies, IT, e-commerce, media, government and many others, helping to build from scratch HR departments.

She brings her expertise in HR field: designing and leading development processes, creating on-boarding and internal communication standards, building soft HR structures, changing recruitment processes being aware what CX and EX in HR is.

With smart, experienced and passionate people she is trying to be one step forward in constantly changing market. Cause she deeply believes that HR can add real value to organization without all that empty talks and meetings that coud've benn an e-mail. So let's start a new AI HR era together.

Andrzej Janusz

Andrzej Janusz

He is an active and experienced researcher in fields related to data exploration, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. In 2014, he received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Warsaw in Poland, where he currently hold the position of Assistant Professor.

He participated in many R&D projects funded by the European Union and various governmental institutions in Poland, related to topics such as semantic indexing of scientific publications, assessment of threats during fire-and-rescue operations, active monitoring of safety conditions in underground coal mines, and video game data analytics.

More recently, his research interests focus on Active Machine Learning and XAI. He is also a founder of the KnowledgePit.ai platform, where he organize data science competitions aiming at solving real-life challenges.